Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My Terminal Condition

I just found out that I am suffering from a terminal condition. I watched my mother grapple with it, but I never thought it would happen to me. Certainly not when I was sweet-sixteen, fancy free and knew everything a girl needs to know about anything that really mattered, like music, clothes, love, guys......which my mum knew nothing about.

On the chance that someone else out there may be suffering the same disease I have, in total ignorance, I thought I should speak out and share my experiences so that you know you are not suffering alone.

The first symptom I realised I had is noise-intolerance. For some strange reason, my ears have become sensitive to noise. Especially the noise my daughter chooses to call music. Every time the volume button hits 12, I have to scream "turn that thing down", just like my mother did, or else I shall surely lose my mind.

I also noticed that I have now acquired, just like my mum, the most overwhelming urge to rest my eyes in front of the TV especially after 11pm and particularly during a movie. Mum always does that and I have been  assuming that she is falling asleep and ask her to give in and just go to bed. Every single time she replies "I am not sleeping, I am just resting my eyes".  I never understood it before, but now it makes perfect sense to me!

Another symptom I noticed I have is that I seem to have suffered a total loss of the sense of  what's "cool". I first noticed this when I tried to surprise my daughter by buying her new clothes. It was not her birthday, not Christmas, she had not had to sing about it for some months, no special occasion.... I was just being cool. I felt really cool about it until I noticed after some weeks that the "totally cool" clothes were not being used for anything else apart from staying in the house. I mean...the jeans. I would have killed to get them (in my day), close fitting and flared at the bottom, totally "hip" there is no way MY mum would have bought them for me, and they cannot make it past the door?!!

The most disturbing thing I noticed, however, is that I must be losing the ability to speak intelligibly or perhaps I suffer permanent voice loss! Every time I issue instructions to the kids, they either cannot understand or they cannot hear me. I am very sure about this because I find myself having to repeat the same instructions over and over and over again, before I finally get some response. Just to prove my point, my Saturday nights go something like this:

9.30pm – "Its bedtime, turn off the telly, tidy up and go to bed"
10pm – "Girls, I said it's bedtime, turn off the telly, tidy up and go to bed!"
Finally, they do go to bed, but I think my speech must have got warbled up at the end because the living room, the bedroom and any other room they have been to is in a thorough state of disarray!

I don't know what this condition is called, but I have watched my mother live with it. To anyone else out there who finds themselves in the same predicament – you are not alone!

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Our Kid April 17, 2010 at 4:49 PM  

The thing about life is that we always start out thinking that kids will be kids and mums will be mums. But when the transition comes when kids become mums (and mums become grand mums) we never get to gradually ease into the new roles.

Interesting read.

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