It's all about choices
©Copyright The Suyian Trust, Nairobi Kenya
As I struggled to choose what to wear to the office one morning, it suddenly struck me that life is all about making choices. My alarm clock had gone off at 5 o’clock and rather than get up immediately, I had chosen to spend a few more minutes in bed. As a result, I was behind schedule, running late for work and with hardly enough time to have my breakfast.
Life really is about making choices. We choose to hope or to despair; we choose to love or to hate; to fight back or surrender; to believe or doubt; to move forward or to hang back; to embrace or to push away; to give or to take; to receive or reject; to forgive or to hold grudges.
The ultimate choice we make in life however is the choice about the very life we live.
Each day we get to choose whether we will take in a new breath and believe that tomorrow will be brighter and filled with purpose or give up and accept that the obstacles and today’s losses are all that there is to it.
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