Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ignorance is not bliss - you don't know what you're missing!

There is a very cliché statement that goes "You never know what you've got until you lose it."

I beg to differ totally! Who doesn't know when they have money? I for one definitely know when I have money. All of a sudden, I appear slightly taller than I usually am, and manage to look very elegant in my signature faded jeans. My nails suddenly need 'doing' and my handbags are too few. My shoes don't suit my wardrobe anymore so of course I have to get a new pair...(girls, did I hear an amen?).

But today it rained and I thought, forget about 'ignorance is bliss'. Sometimes, you don't know what you are missing until you get it (or get it back)!

I seriously did not realise how much I had missed the rain until I heard the distant pattering in my sleep just before I got up. I didn't realise how much I enjoyed the accompanying cool crisp early morning air which hit me as I stumbled out of bed, half dressed, trying to remember why it is that I have to get out of bed before 11 am today. And when I walked to the bus stop, jumping over mud puddles and dodging splashing motorists, I realised that I had sort of missed the way the ground becomes chocolatey and squishy when it rains. The labouring 25 minute walk to the office didn't seem so labouring this morning because the sun was not beating down on me today. I was actually lifting my feet off the ground today!

Ah, yes...sometimes, you do not know what you are missing until you get it (or you get it back). So today, when the rain starts falling at exactly the hour when I have to leave work for home, and when I have to stand at the bus stop for hours wondering where it is the public transport vehicles get to when it rains, don't you worry about me. I will be singing in the rain!


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